Osteopathy is an holistic manual therapy which utilises the link between the body’s structure and function to address issues of the skeleton, muscles, joints, fascia and circulation.
The 5 year University trained osteopaths at Beech Health Osteopathic clinic apply their knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pathology, medical diagnosis and osteopathic techniques to address problems occurring in the musculoskeletal and related systems.
Do not be surprised if the osteopath treating you looks at all your musculoskeletal system when you attend an appointment at Beech Health Osteopathic clinic. They are not only trying to address your pain or complaint, they are also looking for the cause in an attempt to prevent your presentation from returning.
We treat people with all manner of injuries and aches and pains, with the ones listed the most common presentations.
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Shoulder and arm pain
- Lower limb pain
- General joint pain
- Headaches and migraines
- Musculoskeletal issues associated with pregnancy
- All nature of sporting injuries
- Children and infants