Dr Stefani Kralj – Osteopath
Stefani studied osteopathy at Victoria University, graduating in 2018. She has worked in Torquay VIC, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley. Stefani enjoys treating a variety of patients from all walks of life.
Stefani believes every patient’s needs are unique and multifactorial. Understanding the whole patient is essential in structuring an effective treatment plan. Her treatment style is versatile, incorporating fine, light-handed techniques for those with acute pain alongside firmer, direct, structural manipulation when indicated.
Whilst working in laboratory medical science, Stefani completed a massage course in 2009 to explore another avenue of health care. She felt that the use of hands-on therapy to help others recover from injury was just her thing! This led to a career change, studying osteopathy at Victoria University.
Stefani believes in movement as medicine – her favourite mode of rehabilitation is Pilates. She also has a particular interest in assessing and treating the hips and pelvis. Combining hands-on care and exercise empowers patients to take charge of their health. Educating patients on how they can help themselves is a must!
When Stefani is relaxing, you’ll find her falling off a SUP, in a pilates studio, or hanging with her huskies. She enjoys functional training and pretends to avoid coffee. If you have any tips on local bushwalking and hiking, let Stefani know 🙂